What Percentage of Temecula is Hispanic?

The city of Temecula, California, has an average age of 35.7 years, with a population of 32,900 people aged 16 and over. Of these, 86,219 are 18 or older, 81,851 are 21 or older, and 17,102 are 65 or older. The student population in Temecula is slightly skewed towards women, with 106 male students and 326 female students. The following table shows the percentage of people without health insurance in Temecula compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance.

The most common industries in Temecula by number of employees are retail (6,505 people), welfare (6,192 people) and educational services (4,770 people). This chart shows the percentage of ownership in Temecula compared to its main and neighboring geographies. The following table shows how the average household income in Temecula compares with that of its neighboring geographies and parent families. Car ownership in Temecula is about the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

The following chart shows households in Temecula distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. There are a total of 37,042 housing units. The voting population of Temecula is 74,942; 38,735 are male voters and 36,207 are female voters. 51.7% are men and 48.3% are women.

The following graphs show the values of properties in Temecula compared to their principal and neighboring geographies and the owner-occupied housing units distributed among a number of property value groups compared to the national averages for each group. The most popular specializations in Temecula are General Cosmetology (170 and 72.3%), Golf Course Operation & Grounds Management (41 and 17.4%) and Barber Shop (24 and 10.2%). The map below shows all the places in Temecula colored according to their median (total) household income. None of the households in Temecula reported that their main shared language was to speak a language other than English at home. African Americans refer to the black population in Temecula.

They are black racial groups from Africa, including sub-Saharan Africans, Kenyans, Nigerians and Caribbean people, such as Haitians and Jamaicans. This chart shows the breakdown of major industry stocks for residents of Temecula, although some of these residents may live in Temecula and work elsewhere. There are 73.74 percent single-family homes, 3.33 percent single-family homes, 0.59 percent two-unit houses and 2.05 percent homes with three or four units. So what percentage of Temecula is Hispanic? According to the latest census data from 2019, Hispanics make up 28% of the population in Temecula - making them the largest ethnic group in the city.

Ansgar Schoonhofen
Ansgar Schoonhofen

Infuriatingly humble tv scholar. Subtly charming zombie fanatic. Beer buff. Unapologetic food expert. General beer junkie.