What is the Average Household Income in Temecula, CA?

The following table shows how the average household income in Temecula, California compares with that of its neighboring geographies and parent families. The map below shows all the places in Temecula, California colored according to their median (total) household income. The most common work groups, by number of people living in Temecula, California, are sales-related occupations (6,372 people), management occupations (6,019 people) and office and administrative support occupations (5,449 people). None of the households in Temecula, California, reported that their main shared language was to speak a language other than English at home.

The following graph shows households in Temecula, California, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. This does not take into account the possible multilingual nature of households, but only the primary language spoken by all members of the household themselves. The most common industries in Temecula, California, by number of employees, are retail (6,505 people), welfare for and health care (6,192 people) and educational services (4,770 people). The most common jobs held by residents of Temecula, California, by number of employees, are sales-related occupations (6,372 people), management occupations (6,019 people), and office and administrative support occupations (5,449 people).

The student population in Temecula, California is biased towards women with 106 male students and 326 female students. In other words, wages are less evenly distributed in California compared to the national average. The Census Bureau uses a set of monetary income thresholds that vary depending on the size and composition of the family to determine who is classified as impoverished. The following table shows how the percentage of people without insurance in Temecula, California changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. This graph shows the number of workers in California in various wage sectors compared to the national average.

Education tends to be more correlated with income and in Temecula 34% of adults have a bachelor's degree or higher compared to 31% nationwide. Primary care physicians in Riverside County, California see an average of 2325 patients per year a decrease of 1.19% compared to the previous year (2353 patients). If the total income of a family is below the family's threshold that family and all its members are considered to be living in poverty.

Ansgar Schoonhofen
Ansgar Schoonhofen

Infuriatingly humble tv scholar. Subtly charming zombie fanatic. Beer buff. Unapologetic food expert. General beer junkie.